Monday, September 28, 2009

So, I'm having a kind of bad day.
Did I tell you that I talked to my ex, like, last Thursday?
I think I did.
But, anyway, it was the first time in three months.
And I talked to him again today.
I still can't look him in the eyes.
Maybe it's because 99% of the times that I've looked into those eyes, those eyes said they loved me.
I'm pretty happy he doesn't love me anymore.
But it's still hard, beyond belief, to look him in the eyes. I can't do it.
ANYWAY, fuck. So hard to keep on subject. I'm such a spazz.
SO, yes. This guy who wants to fuck me, like terribly wants to fuck me (who doesn't?), and he just got high, and told me that my ex broke me.
That I'm broken, and I'm not fun anymore.
For some reason, that really got to me.
How he thinks I'm not fun, I know not.
I'm totally fun. And not in denial.
And no, this is not me being in denial about my denail or so on.
I'm just pissed today.
It's been a dumb as shit day.
Sometimes, I really hate life.
But just sometimes.
I have to go to a hockey game now.
More later.
I love this journal. I get to just rant off my ass.
It's amazing.
I was totally right about the figuring things out thing.

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